Gretchen Bleiler

wednesday OCTOBER 26, 2016 - 1:00 - 1:25pm

redefining extraordinary

redefining extraordinary

Gretchen believes that her most extraordinary accomplishment in life is not any of her titles, gold medals or awards. But what she's most proud of is having the courage to follow her heart. But that path is, quite literally, not for the faint of heart!

Early on in her life and career she learned about the courage it takes to step outside of society's norms for a dream no one else could understand and become the architect of her destiny. She now calls this "the art of living extraordinarily" and has created a company called ALEX that represents this way of life.

But our highest potential is always evolving based on our willingness to explore it. And what Gretchen never saw coming was that the dream life she had created was just a stepping stone, an evolution, preparing her for something more. And so she had to once again summon the courage to leave the comforts of that life behind and again step outside of societies norms in order to make room for her new potential. 

In her talk Gretchen will address following your heart in terms of turning points, knowing when it's time to move on and the necessary mind set to do so patiently and gracefully. Because the foundation to accessing your heart is being still, she will end her talk with a meditation to help you on your way to living extraordinarily!