Leadership Training – tab on navigation bar on top
GO DEEPER – Button on LWL Home page – Maybe next to the boxes with the MTN MKT, etc?

Header- Lead with LOVE “Love Ninja Leadership Training” 2017

Experiential – You will learn by doing, LWL world-renowned presenters are your teachers
Transformational – Your heart will expand, your mind will open
Nourishing – You will fill your cup (fuel your soul) 
Empowering – You will be ready(Learn) to lead with greater depth and authenticity

The Lead with Love (LWL) “Love Ninja Leadership Training” (LNLT) is an add-on ( opportunity for those attending the 4-day Lead with Love Experience in Aspen, CO Oct 26-29, 2017. Lead with Love is intended to be more than a “one-off” event or a yoga party; it’s a carefully designed experience, as the name suggests. LWL features some of the most renowned teachers and unique experiences in the world, hosted in one of the most beautiful, iconic places. Aspen, is the home of The Aspen Idea; it’s is a place where visionary leaders and change-makers come together to play, dream and connect. (network, recreate, and collaborate.)

As a member of the inaugural LNLT, you will take this experience even further by participating fully in Lead with Love Oct 26-29, including two LNLT members-only meetups during the event, and receive 11-months of on-going coaching to enliven the teachings from LWL with master facilitators and guest speakers, all of whom are presenters at LWL. 

Whether you are a seasoned teacher, soul-centered community or business leader or newbie on the path, this opportunity to GO DEEPER is for those who will answer the call to serve humanity in the way it needs to be served, through LOVE. 

Do you want to live a more meaningful life?
There are some of us, many we suspect, that crave a deeper, more sustained experience when we invest our time and money in an event or “lifestyle.” Do you want to serve the greater good? Do you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself? We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves, something that serves the greater good. We are not about resistance as much as leading the way forward following what we know to be true: The wellbeing of one is connected to the wellbeing of all. And so, we commit to being the change.

LOVE Nin·ja  /ləv/ /ˈninjə/ -noun informal - A person who excels in a particular skill or activity having to do with leading with love and spreading LOVE and JOY through acts of SERVICE, RECIPROCITY, and KINDNESS.

The time is now to connect to each other more fully and deeply, to experience the shifts, so many people talk about and yearn for, and be part of the growing tribe of change-makers under the banner of LOVE. 

As a Love Ninja, you will be part of this movement.

Join this Movement – (Button to access “LNTP Application” (Or just to sign up?)

The Aspen City of Wellbeing Annual Lead with Love Experience Oct 26-29 in Aspen, Colorado is the foundation for the Love Ninja Leadership Training (LNLT). You will meet up with fellow Ninja’s at the event and have time to connect and conspire. This will be followed by on-going coaching throughout the year with master facilitators that is based on the teachings from LWL, including Q & A + “refreshers” with some the most respected presenters like Dr. Deepak Chopra, Rod Stryker, and Ashley Turner. 
Those who choose to be a part of this movement shall take the following steps:

Ask yourself inwardly, “is this for me?”
If the answer is ‘YES!’, purchase your ticket to the Lead with LOVE (Ticket Link here) Experience Oct 26-29 in Aspen, CO.
Click the link on the ticketing page for Love Ninja Leadership Training add-on ($100 min-$1000 sliding scale)
SHARE with your friends your commitment to “be the change” and your enrollment in the LNLT at Lead with Love using the hashtags #ileadwithlove #loveninjas and tagging @aspenwellbeing.
Stealthily await instructions for next steps via email.


Q- Wait, what is a Love Ninja?
A-LOVE Nin·ja  /ləv/ /ˈninjə/ -noun informal - A person who excels in a particular skill or activity having to do with leading with love and spreading LOVE and JOY through acts of SERVICE, RECIPROCITY, and KINDNESS. 
Love Ninjas intend to be the change and live in such a way that benefits humanity. Here is our list of intentions (link). These are aspirational ideas we use as our lighthouse or map as we engage in trainings and the lifestyle to make these ideals a reality for each one of us.

Q- I already do that. Why do I need a training and why do I have to pay extra for it?
A-We are building a movement and a movement which requires a shared set of values, beliefs, and standards. To that end, we require expect all Love Ninjas to sign the Love Ninja Pledge (link) and intend to live up to those values as well as help us shape the movement. We are investing a considerable amount of time, money and energy into creating the infrastructure for this movement and we need buy-in from those participating to help sustain it. In many ways, this is a cooperative. Your participation = “stock” in the movement. One of the core values of a Love Ninja is reciprocity, and while we keep the costs incredibly low and subsidized and we offer a sliding scale so there isn’t a large barrier to for entry, we do require a financial investment to be in the program. 

Q- What will I get out of it? How will my life be changed?
A-You will have a clear sense of purpose and community and be inspired and supported in a mission to serve. Service is the highest form of Love and having a sense of purpose and community creates an enhanced sense of wellbeing*. You will be “lit up” (testimonials from last year’s volunteers as a link?) inside and part of something bigger than yourself. 
This training is Experiential – you will learn by doing; it is
Transformational – your heart will expand, and your mind will open; it is
Nourishing – you will fill your cup; it is Empowering – you will be ready to lead with greater depth and authenticity in your personal and professional life. 
It’s a resume builder… maybe not, but we hope someday it will be. (add to your conceptual tool box.)

Q - Do I have to attend all of LWL to qualify to be a Love Ninja?
A- We will have highlighted tracks selected each day that are required to qualify for your certificate of Ninja-hood. 

Q- When do I get my Love Ninja Certificate?
A-Love Ninja Certificates will be conferred at the following year Lead with Love Experience in Aspen in person or sent by mail after the 11-month coaching program is completed.

Q -Do I have to attend all of the follow-up coaching webinars to qualify to be a Love Ninja?
A- We appreciate every effort made to be live on the calls, but they will also be recorded, and we ask that each session is listened to prior to before issuing your certification at LWL 2018.

Q- How do we connect with other Love Ninjas to create a sense of community?
A-We will connect join the class of 2017 via a Facebook group for shared experiences. It is required that each individual have an accountability partner throughout the year and connect monthly with that individual to hold each other accountable for their service project. 

Q-What is a service project?
A-You will be invited to come up with a service project at the end of Lead with Love and before the first call in November 2017. You will be asked to make an agreement to check in with your accountability partner(s) monthly on your progress as well as receive coaching on your project on live calls. We do not require this, but highly recommend this and will offer support. We encourage Ninjas to think small and build the service muscle slowly over time. 

Q- OK, so what is actually required to be a Love Ninja?

You must buy a ticket and attend or volunteer and attend all highlighted tracks at the Lead with Love Experience Oct 26-29 in Aspen, CO.
You must attend the opening, and closing LNLT meet ups at Lead with Love Thursday evening and Sunday evening (45-min each)
You must attend live (on-line) or listen to recordings of all of the follow-up coaching sessions from Nov. 2017-Sept. 2018 (90-min once a month)
You must sign the Love Ninja Pledge (Link)
A service project is encouraged for all Love Ninjas and Accountability partners

Q -Who or what is the certifying agency? What are their qualifications to hold a piece  of training?
A- LNLT is facilitated by Aspen City of Wellbeing, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Aspen, Colorado facilitates LNLT. ACW is led by Gina Murdock and Jess Ewart, both are certified and trained yoga and meditation teachers as well as workplace wellbeing facilitators and coaches. Jess is a certified teacher trainer and serial entrepreneur with a degree from ??. Gina holds a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from University of Santa Monica and works closely with Deepak Chopra on as part of The Chopra Foundation Board of Directors and the Self Directed Biological Transformation Initiative (Link to Bios). ACW is advised by master business and life coach Stephen McGhee, the Venture Capitalist,  Hall of Famer Jerry Murdock, and theas well as their Bboard of Lluminary Aadvisors (link to advisors).