Love Letter from Gina

Week of Jan 25th 2021

Dear Friends,

I’ve been hurting lately. I’ve consumed so much news and information from TV, social media and the internet that I’ve felt a deep sadness that we are hopelessly divided and there’s no way to bridge the massive gap between us. But then I remembered, separation is an illusion. I am buying into the illusion. Buying into the illusion creates suffering. I can stop this by choosing to see differently and I can stop perpetuating the illusion. 

I have a challenge for all of us. Let’s tune out of the mainstream media, shall we? Let’s focus for this week on original thoughts and ideas. Let’s see what’s in there without the constant barrage of information coming to us from curated channels that shower us with more reasons to believe we are separate and different and hopelessly divided.

Let us focus the story on what we can do individually and in our communities to reduce suffering. There is a LOT of suffering going on and we’re too busy fighting over who’s fault it is. Forget it. Take a break from being right and making others wrong and look for ways to help people or animals or the planet from hurting. 

I believe 100% there needs to be accountability and reckoning before there is true healing and any sense of unity. And I know many of us are unwittingly feeding something that is very toxic. 

What if we take a pause from TV and internet scrolling this week. How is that God-seed inside of you doing? What type of nourishment does it need to flourish? I doubt it needs more time scrolling or surfing consuming content that continually reiterates the same judgments of others.

What brings you joy? Make a list and share it with a friend. What scares you? Look at that and breath into it and see if you can calm the fear just with your presence. 

What is one thing you can do right now that will make someone smile? Do that. Who can you thank? Write a real hand-written card. Slow down and maybe even quiet down a little bit. Fuel yourself to be part of the movement that is necessary to shift culture from fear to love. We need you.

When you turn off the boob tube you can get curious and have room to wonder. What’s yours to do in this one wild and precious life. Why are you here? What dream needs dusting off and polishing? Let’s harness all of that energy that’s spent blaming and judging others for the state of the world and do what we can do to elevate ourselves out of this illusion of separation. Today, I am going to see through the eyes of love. Today, I choose not to judge. I choose not to separate. I choose to take an action that reduces suffering for a child, an animal, a woman or man or for the planet. What can I do to be part of this shift? How can I deploy my unique creative energy to help? 

Look at Feeding America or Lift Up or Food Bank of the Rockies in the Aspen area if you need an easy place to start. Many people are hungry. Look at animal and homeless shelters to see what they need. Look at becoming a foster parent or an advocate for children. Pick up trash. Become a big buddy. Listen to someone. Rest. Write. Organize. Ask for help.  

We need each other. We are inexorably linked. We all need to look at ourselves to become aware of the ways we are complicit in perpetuating the illusion of separation. 

Connect mindfully with the Lead with Love community on our bi-weekly Love in Action sessions. During these free 1-hour Zoom sessions you will be guided through a heart-centered meditation, listen to a succinct brief on an important topic that needs our attention, then take actions together right on the call. There is no time like the present to deploy our love in a way that positively affects others. If you haven’t joined us, please click here to register for our 2021 series. 

With Love and Gratitude to all of you out there Leading with Love each and every day and being aware of how your everyday choices perpetuate the grand illusion or start to heal it. 

Gina Murdock

Founder and Director

erica simon