June Founder's Letter

June 2023

Dear Friends,

I had the amazing good fortune to grow up with parents who I believe understood what is truly important in life. We got together with family and friends often, we travelled and met people from other cultures, we ate different foods we weren’t used to and heard different languages.

We ate dinner together every night and were not allowed to watch a lot of TV. As a matter of fact, much to our horror, my parents actually took away our TV for a year! And, guess what? We survived! I feel really lucky I didn’t grow up with the internet. I had to really look for things in books and in the process of looking I think I learned and retained a lot more. I feel like my brain is on hiatus with Google searches and I haven't even begun to use ChatGPT, but I can tell that's going to make me dumber as well.

As a kid, we had this gleaming burgundy and gold set of Encyclopedias that were the basis for all my school projects. They were treated with reverence and respect. I do not think my mom has gotten over the fact that the "P" is missing. I'm sorry mom!

I remember reading about Italy in the "I" Encyclopedia before I had a chance to go there. This is the place my ancestors come from, a place where people are loud and speak with their hands like my dad does. The culture of Italy always resonated with me; I have relatives who passed through Ellis Island on their way to forming a new life in America and their stories of the homeland are part of me.

In Italy, there is a concept called “La Dolce Vita”. In my June column for The Aspen Times I wrote about the concept of "La Dolce Vita" and our upcoming Lead with Love retreat in Le Marche, Italy Sept 23-30.

Did you read that?? We are hosting a retreat in Italy this year! I’ve been a little slow putting the word out. Such is the problem when you’re really immersed in the sweet life sometimes you get a little too relaxed about things!

Perhaps you’ll feel inspired to join us in Italy this fall and discover for yourself the sweet life you may remember from your childhood or want to create right now regardless of the quality of your childhood. We all have that choice every day to choose what we focus on. Today, I am choosing sweet and savory.

Check out the links below and jump onto our Instagram channel as well (@ileadwithlove) as I have personally been sharing some bits of life there and would love to connect with you!

A Lead with Love Retreat in Italia Sept 23-30!

We are incredibly excited to announce we are back in business hosting retreats! I’ve (Gina) been spending more time in Europe these days and I felt a strong desire to host a gathering of friends in Italy this year. "La Dolce Vita" or sweet life in Italy with a focus on food, family, fun and friends, speaks to me. I found the perfect venue that I can not wait to share with you. It's going to be really special.

Me and my beautiful soul sister Elisa Bava plus a friend and mentor of mine Dr. Miles Reid + other special guest teachers will be co-hosting this Lead with Love Retreat Sept 23-30, 2023. Please email me directly here if you get that, “I am IN!!!” feeling once you see the place. Space is super limited so let me know soon if you feel called to join us.

Our annual Lead with Love summit in Aspen and other retreats around the world always felt so good and I want to be part of that energy again. I hope you will save the dates Sept 23-30, 2023 and join us!

With Love and Gratitude to each of you for the preciousness that is you.


erin greenwood