February 2024 Founder's Letter
February 2024
Dear Friends,
From a recent day long Care For The Caregivers Retreat (yoga class taught by founder, Gina Murdock)
I am really excited about a partnership we formed with CASA of the Ninth last year to support their advocates. As a CASA, I know first hand the stress that can come from supporting neglected and abused kids. It’s really devastating to know what kids are going through and how little support there is for them when their parents or caregivers aren’t able to adequately care for them often due to drug and alcohol abuse and mental health challenges. CASA is such an amazing organization.
It stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate and it’s a nationwide organization that helps fill the gaps in our child welfare system. No child should be without a safe and loving home, but sadly hundreds of thousands are, millions and millions worldwide. I often get overwhelmed by these stats, but one thing I’ve learned over the years is that complaining and bitching about what is wrong does nothing; it just contributes to the overall negativity, anger and rage in the world. I want to be part of the solution. I want to bring light and hope. So, when CASA approached us to help support their advocates I was delighted. Our Care for Caregivers Program was born.
Since last April we’ve co-created and hosted a dozen workshops for advocates to learn skills and tools to manage stress and overwhelm, created and hosted three day-long Care for Caregivers retreats in the Roaring Fork Valley, and we were able to sponsor and support four caregivers to come all the way to Italy for our La Dolce Vita Retreat! What a gift that was for all of us to be together in such an amazingly beautiful place learning and growing together. My heart is really full doing this work - serving those who serve, caring for those who care. I call it the ripple effect of wellbeing and think serving caregivers who are often overworked and underpaid, if paid at all, is such important work!
We are looking for sponsors to help us continue this work of caring for caregivers whether it’s for a day long retreat at the beautiful True Nature Healing Center in Carbondale or for our all inclusive, amazing, luxurious Lead with Love Retreat in Crete, Greece this May 26-June 1. That’s right, we have one sponsor so far and will be opening the nominating process for one of our heart-centered heroes to join us in Greece! Stay tuned to this newsletter and our @ileadwithlove Instagram for more info and to nominate a caregiver… maybe even yourself!
Please reach out HERE if you are interested in sponsoring a caregiver.
Reach out HERE if you are a caregiver who would like to be on our list to be invited to upcoming complementary and nurturing events.
We prioritize caregivers who work with neglected and abused kids. We are SO excited by the opportunity to GIFT a luxurious retreat in Greece to one of these amazing caregivers and to nurture and grow this program to serve more of you who serve. Stay tuned for more info on the giveaway and to nominate yourself or someone you know. Meanwhile, we still have a few spaces left and would love for you all to join us in Greece by buying a spot!
Seated meditation at a Care For The Caregivers Retreat guided by Gina Murdock, founder of Lead With Love
You will be activated and nourished by myself and daily yoga classes, with Elisa Bava and her incredible, therapeutic sound healing and singing, with River Morgan 3rd generation yogi and Aspen local leading deep, soulful meditation sessions + nourishing and rejuvenating treatments with Dr. Miles Reid, a medical doctor and acupuncturist + direct apprentice of Carlos Casteneda for over 15 years. What a lineup of love for you to enjoy! Join us in Greece!!
I appreciate you being part of our Lead with Love community. It is such a gift. I write a monthly column in The Aspen Times. HERE is this month's column. I hope you enjoy and can inch yourself closer to Shakespear’s inspiring words, to thine own self be true!
Love, Gina