Abby + Beyul Retreat


Dear Friends,

It was wonderful catching up with Abby who has been busy and immersed in getting Beyul Retreat Center off the ground.

I could hear passion, care, and purpose in her voice. I asked Abby if we could catch up on all things Beyul, and how her work and time at Lead with Love has guided her moving forward. 

She was generous in heart, sharing how she feels she has found her Ikigai, which translates in to doing what you love, what you’re good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs. She and her business partner Reuben certainly have stepped into a labor of love, and it shows in the events, music, culture, and retreats that find their way to Beyul. 

Abby feels the dream of starting Beyul, and how Beyul is run on a day-to-day basis came from her time with Lead with Love, Gina, and the University of Santa Monica Spiritual Psychology program. She works with her team to focus on care for one another, mindfulness in their interactions, and keeps passion and purpose front and center. She also says her goal was to open a retreat center that is removed from the day-to-day busy-ness and submerged in Nature which allows her guests to fully be present in the experience of Beyul, themselves, and whatever inspired offering is presented. 

They have two big upcoming retreats: Flow Camp in August, and Summit Series in October, alongside many private events, and music events. 

Abby is about how one can lead with love in every moment, and how she can spread that message and experience to others. She is about putting purpose into action and carrying forward the Lead with Love ethos of how to tap into your heart and express what comes through that process. She will continue her heart-centered leadership work through intimate conversations, and how she responds (not reacts) in stressful moments. Most of what Abby knows about culture, she says she learned through Lead with Love. She asks herself, ‘Are we acting like community? Enough so that when our guests come to stay, they can feel that connection?’ We at Lead with Love are guessing so. 

Abby, thank you for your incredible dedication through the years to Lead with Love. We are grateful you have followed your passion, purpose, and heart and find yourself continuing to Spread the Love in remarkable ways. We wish Beyul raging success and know those who make their way to and through Beyul will come out more awake, connected, and in service to humanity and the world. We hope you will visit Abby at Beyul, and you can expect to continue to hear about Beyul through Lead with Love. 

erin greenwood