On Connection


To whom do you feel most connected?
What makes these relationships special?
What do you do or what have you done to build that level of connection?


An Inquiry on Connection. Please Take a Moment to Tune into Yourself.

  1. A person you would like to thank and are grateful for

  2. A person you haven't spoken to in years that you would like to reconnect with

  3. A person that has positively influenced you life and you have never told them

  4. A person you would like to forgive

  5. A person you have admired from a distance (or feel jealous of but actually they inspire you)

  6. A person that has taught you something

  7. A person you are proud of

  8. A person you would like to deepen your relationship

Now take 3 breaths.

Can you pick one of these people to reach out to this week?


Please enjoy a complimentary meditation, focused on connection, from Lead with Love Wellbeing Director, Nicole Lindstrom.


Hey! Want some ideas on how to connect during this bizarre, socially distanced time of covid? We got you!


We believe a healthy sense of connection starts within through a feeling of self-love and worthiness and includes a connection to Spirit/God or something bigger than you, a connection to nature and the environment, and finally a connection to others through supportive relationships, a sense of community and service to others.


Connection in the time of Covid

How does it make you feel to be told if you want to sit in the park, you must stay in the designated circle? 

Perhaps gratitude to be able to breathe fresh air, maybe frustration for the rules. We are curious what you think, let us know!


From coast to coast, the grass of New York's Domino Park and San Francisco’s Dolores Park, have been painted with white circles to encourage the public to stay safely apart during the pandemic.

Necessity is the mother of invention. 


“Loneliness has the same impact on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, making it even more dangerous than obesity” @cignatogether

erica simon