We Are One
April 2022
Dear Friends,
Photo by Graham Northrup
In the first week of April, we celebrated Gina & Jerry’s girls 1st birthday. It was a beautiful celebration. For the first time in several years, I felt like I was part of an important Rite of Passage. It has been difficult with COVID and the cultural loss of community celebrated Rites of Passage. It was a true blessing to come together and celebrate the lives of two beautiful babies – to set our hearts, minds, and intentions on the love and guidance we can offer them throughout their lives. There was an understanding that how we hold them can and will support their long-term success and well-being.
Huichol Yarn Painting
True to Gina’s brilliance and courage, she set the theme of the day to ‘We are One’. This is a concept we kick around in society. In some ways we feel this is true, but more likely associate it with a “feel good” concept.. As Lead with Love deepens our exploration and understanding of the sacred, emergent, and interconnected/interdependence of life and love’s role within that, we start in the realm of Spirituality as science is now confirming we are hardwired to interact with life in this way.
In recent years, science has been unveiling a 14-billion-year evolutionary journey that continues through today. Science is confirming that the advancement & development of life isn’t random, which of course is easy to see through mathematical equations and computations, etc. Whatever is behind such emergent, dynamic, creative, and awe-inspiring processes matters not. The very fact that we stand here today with lungs that evolved from water animals millions of years in the making (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3926130/), and same goes with every body part we have, we are born out of an interconnected, interdependent, and emergent system. We were born to interact in life in this way. The grand cosmic evolution is a miracle in and of itself -- we are part of that miracle!
Scholars say we are in-between stories – the religious creation stories and scientific story of evolution. We are shifting from Anthropocentric (human-centered, especially in the west) to Anthropocosmic (Cosmic-centered) thought, understanding ourselves as a species embedded within the evolutionary process. We are growing to understand humans as emerging from and out of the processes of nature, which provides us with new orientations for mutually enhancing human-Earth relations of participation rather than domination. It is a subtle shift, but full of potential, creativity, and the possibility of dynamic advancements.
What is remarkable about the human species, is our capacity for self-reflection and observation. This capacity, called interiority, gives us the ability to love – to acknowledge, value, and appreciate the beauty and wonder of life. And as we love, it in turn grows our curiosity and connection to our innate deep wisdom that aligns our consciousness with that of the grand cosmic evolution. The whole Universe is alive and a manifestation of love. Love is the greatest power in human life and connects us to spirit.
In the world’s religious creation stories, we attain personifications of archetypes, characteristics, and forces of embodied cosmic consciousness. As Michael Meade so beautifully says, “The point has never been to “believe” in myths or to simply accept what others have said they mean. The key issue with mythic images is to let them speak to us, wherever and whenever we find ourselves seeking guidance, permission, or understanding.” The wisdom is embedded in those traditions and stories.
In the recent novel The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, it is clear that while the gods have unique strengths and powers, the gift of the mortals is empathy, care, and love.
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And modern science continues to unveil a Universe alive and ever evolving. From a molten planet, that gave rise to the atmosphere, then to the hydrosphere, to the biosphere, to right now where we Each person has a role in this. Each person has the capacity to be in a spiritual relationship with life and bring forward unique expressions and gifts of participation. This concept of ONE in no way eliminates human diversity. The cosmological power of emergence favors wild diversity so as humans begin to discover their commonality and identity in terms of the planet, we will simultaneously explode with diversity because the planet is so different in different places. We will have an increase in diversity while simultaneously experiencing a deepening in commonality -- for We Are Indeed ONE!
Anne White, Executive Director
A Common Humanity Meditation: Build compassion and interconnection by seeing your similarities with others. Join here.
Aspen Strong Presents: Safe Space: Time to Listen to our Youth Friday, May 6th, 6-8pm at The Wheeler The mental health crisis blanketing our nation is a symptom of the need for change — an evolution in our consciousness. Tapping into a spiritual life and practice allows us to flow more easily with the changes while providing guidance as participants in an evolutionary and emergent process. This guidance comes through us when we awaken to it. It is important to hear the struggles our youth face, and have the courage to provide our youth with the tools and practices they will need to survive and thrive through out their lives in a changing world. Learn more.
Dr. Lisa Miller @ Aspen Institute on the Neuroscience of Spirituality: Resilience in a Changing World Wednesday, August 3rd. Tickets on sale soon.
To lead with love, not fear, transforms how we experience self, our connection with others, and fellow living beings in this world. If we think of a continuum from aloneness and lacking to one of joy, resilience, and wellbeing, the ability to feel love deeply is the essence of this change. We all walk different paths towards this end, and many well-known scholars and organizations, as well as local leaders, contribute as our guides and teachers for this work.
Lead With Love is an educational, non-profit organization that cultivates in individuals and communities worldwide the understanding of and practical ways to attain deep love and connection. Our work is based on the integration of scientific, psychological, and spiritual foundations. We believe in the power of love to change the world.
We work with diverse audiences, from children to renowned scientists and spiritual leaders to further the development of knowledge in this field and to help individuals and communities develop the capacity to Lead with Love. You will see our work infused in aspects of life here in the Roaring Fork Valley as well as in global outreach. We work through Education, Daily Practice, Community Involvement and Events as well as Engagement through Teaching and Experiences on a global scale.