In Service to Love, Shifting the Collective Eye of Perception
May 2022
Dear Friends,
“Eye Love” by Marianne Fahrney
“An awakened heart is the seat of unity with all life.” – Dr. Lisa Miller
I recently finished the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. In the book, James explores how to change habits. He mentions something profound. Essentially, the key to building lasting habits is focusing on creating a new identity first. To change your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself, others, and the world. We set goals not centering around outcomes but identity!
Identity is concerned with changing one’s beliefs: worldview, self-image, and judgements. Humanity is currently re-envisioning our role as participants in the dynamic process of life as science is shifting us into new worldview and order. We are on the horizon of understanding ourselves as part of an emergent, interdependent, and interconnected life, one of aligning our consciousness with the grand cosmic evolution. Spirituality is living with the deep wisdom and awareness that might align our consciousness with the grand cosmic evolution, where there is a sense of unity of all people and things; the sense that everything is interconnected.
Relational Spirituality identifies the relational bond itself as sacred. It widely extends beyond humans to include a sense of sacred presence in and through our relationships with fellow living beings and the whole of nature. It cultivates a culture that holds all life sacred and recognizes our stewardship for and with each other, and with all of nature, as part of the living fabric of the Universe.
“Epic Adventures” by Marianne Fahrney
“Through cultivating spiritual awareness and practice, we form a better and safer world. The small-self perspective dissolves into a more expansive and complete worldview. Be open to creative leaps and insights, be more in-tune with life’s purpose. No longer is it me against the world, but me hearing what life has to say. Life is meeting me where I am. Living in conscious dialogue with life leads us to interesting surprises.
The seat of spiritual perception is innate. Ultimately, we can share and feel spiritual experiences at a deep level with the knowing of the heart. We are all built with the same spiritually foundational brain. Spirituality is deep within nature, within our brains, and inside us.
We rise from the narrows of splintered self-interest, isolation, and competition, and awaken our hearts to the world as it is -- and the world flourishes with us. Our own optimum functioning is good for others and the earth.
We have epidemic levels of othering. Radical social change will happen because of a deep-felt experience of love and belonging -- an awakened awareness of who we are to one another. A hunger for justice is rooted in the transformative power of wholeness and dignity.
Nothing is impossible for the spirit. Healing comes when we end othering, when we find a language and a way to be with one another that allows us to transcend division and embrace our shared hunger for meaning, value, connection, and hope.” – Dr. Lisa Miller, The Awakened Brain
Each of us can set our eye of perception on Love – to truly transcend our individuality and find the shared sacredness of life, of which we all belong. The world and humanity’s role within it is changing at accelerating speed. Change and evolution are natural – individually, culturally, and globally even though many societies strive for stability and nurture an illusion of permanence.
While these challenges can lead to further divisions, fear, competition, and conflict, Lead with Love is committed to working alongside the seismic shifts, building internal resilience to support mental and physical health, spiritual awareness and connection, and societal wellbeing.
“I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device so powerful enough to destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastates the planet. However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, we will have affirmed that love conquers all and is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.” – Albert Einstein, letter to his daughter
Anne White, Executive Director
Wild Yoga: Tuesdays - June 21st, July 13th, August 9th, 5:15pm at Hallam Lake
Sound Journey: Tuesdays - June 28th, July 5th, 5:15pm at Hallam Lake
Aspen Institute Yoga: As a service to those participating in Aspen Institute’s Programming this summer, LWL will be offering yoga classes, promoting health and well-being while learning!
Executive Director, Anne White speaking on Neuroscience of Spirituality at Drishti Beats Music Festival: July 8th-10th Snowmass Village
Drishti Beats Music Festival explores the symbiotic connection between music, yoga, and the outdoors. All of our carefully selected yoga teachers and classes feature musicians who will be there for you creating a beautiful and magical experience for you in every moment! Our music lineup in the early evening and into the night highlights some of the top artists of downtempo electronic chill and house music for you to dance the night away.
Digital Deepak: Personalized Wellbeing app using A.I. Lead with Love wants to congratulate Deepak and his team for creating the first Wellbeing App using A.I. It’s important to utilize technology available to support overall wellbeing. While LWL believes it is incredibly important to be in community and find true connection with one another, this can support you throughout your day for mindfulness and movement breaks, help you set personal goals, and advance your overall wellbeing.
Check out the new app at:
To lead with love, not fear, transforms how we experience self, our connection with others, and fellow living beings in this world. If we think of a continuum from aloneness and lacking to one of joy, resilience, and wellbeing, the ability to feel love deeply is the essence of this change. We all walk different paths towards this end, and many well-known scholars and organizations, as well as local leaders, contribute as our guides and teachers for this work.
Lead With Love is an educational, non-profit organization that cultivates in individuals and communities worldwide the understanding of and practical ways to attain deep love and connection. Our work is based on the integration of scientific, psychological, and spiritual foundations. We believe in the power of love to change the world.
We work with diverse audiences, from children to renowned scientists and spiritual leaders to further the development of knowledge in this field and to help individuals and communities develop the capacity to Lead with Love. You will see our work infused in aspects of life here in the Roaring Fork Valley as well as in global outreach. We work through Education, Daily Practice, Community Involvement and Events as well as Engagement through Teaching and Experiences on a global scale.
From ‘Holding my Mother’s Hand'
Hi Gina!
I love this article and love how much you enjoy being a Mom and giving so much to your daughters!
I love being a Mom and Grandmom . It’s interesting that in our community so many people are away from their biological families. I feel that my connection with people through my hair/beauty work has created a sense of family . People come to a familiar place and a caregiver for beauty and nurturing.
Being a Mom creates a safe space.
This is cool to think about.
I’ve always felt that when people come to me it’s like going home and melting into your Mom’s couch or having a coffee and a chat at the kitchen table.
I guess I love people at the core. It’s not just about the hair.
Rita Queen B (Rita Bellino)
I hope you are having a great time with your little ♥♥
From ‘We are One’
To Everyone at I LEAD WITH LOVE:
Hi! My name is Marty Schirn. Kudos for all your hard work in shifting "culture from fear to love by nurturing heart-centered leaders." In my opinion, what you are doing is exceptional!
On your "THE HEARTBEAT" page at the top left is this article: "We Are One"
I want to share some things that I feel very strongly relate to this.
Do everything in your power to passionately and urgently promote the oneness of mankind. There is only ONE race -- the Human Race. We are all one human family, one human species, one beautiful human flower garden. As different as we are, we are still the same: we all have the same human bodies, the same human emotions, the same human needs and aspirations, the same human dignity, the same God-given human rights. Our diversity is to be accepted and appreciated, not condemned and destroyed.
The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. As I see it, the crippling impediment of our prejudices -- racial, gender, religious, educational, economic, political, national, cultural, tribal -- is preventing us from coming together in true unity and harmony. Unless and until we fully embrace the indisputable fact that we are all one human family, truly deep love on a permanent basis will be impossible and disunity and destruction will continue increasing, not only here in America, but throughout the world.
I believe world peace through world unity is INEVITABLE! But how much suffering we will go through to reach this most glorious achievement is up to us human beings.
I believe we are experiencing increasingly severe labor pains as we give birth to a SPIRITUAL world civilization whose glory and majesty we cannot even imagine at the present time.
Humanity has only two choices: unite through embracing our oneness, or unite after experiencing increasingly horrific unimaginable suffering.
Let us choose to unite by totally embracing and appreciating our oneness and wholeness as a species on this planet!
My beliefs come from the universal teachings of Baha'u'llah (1817-1892), Founder of the youngest of the major world religions, the Baha'i Faith.
Here are some quotations from the writings of Baha'u'llah that relate to this most exalted theme:
"Close your eyes to racial differences, and welcome all with the light of oneness."
"Let not a man glory in this, that he loves his country; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind."
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."
"Women and men have been and will always be equal in the sight of God."
"No power can exist except through unity."
"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established."
"These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the 'Most Great Peace' shall come."
Thank you for letting me share these things with you. Keep up the GREAT work you are doing!
God bless the Human Race, All Living Creatures, and Planet Earth! I'm proud to be a World Citizen!
Marty Schirn