Love Letter from Gina : August 2021

August 2021

Dear Friends,

Lead with Love is evolving once again.

We started as a loose organization of yogis under the banner “Aspen Yoga Society” over 10 years ago then morphed into “The Aspen City of Wellbeing” thanks to Dr. Deepak Chopra and then finally into Lead with Love in 2016.

I’ve always felt a very motherly sense of responsibility and pride for these organizations I started - they all sprouted from dreams in my heart to serve and connect with others, have fun and channel my own creative spirit. After several years of mothering these organizations I was finally able to realize a long held dream of mine to actually birth my own children!!!! This involves many exclamation points because it took a looooong time and I was really stuck for a while and then… I had identical twins in April.

Now, Lead with Love needs a new mother. I am so excited to be working with an amazing mother of two who is a super heart-centered, wicked smart, savvy, strategic, powerhouse who actually knows how to run a non-profit! Please meet our new Lead with Love Executive Director Anne White. You can read all about her HERE and I hope you will reach out to her and say “Hi”. I want her to get to know ALL of you because getting to know you and sharing transformational experiences with you has been my greatest joy in being part of this org. Take a stroll down memory lane by looking through our Instagram sometime and I think you’ll feel the warm fuzzies;-)

After a Covid-inspired hiatus from events over the last year and a half + my own personal transformation into a mother of two, I came to a place of knowing that I needed some help to give this organization the support and direction it needs to thrive. I have a background in journalism, psychology and as a teacher and practitioner of yoga, meditation and massage therapy. I love the visioning and creative parts of running a non-profit like Lead with Love, but I really suck at the details! I had some great help along the way with Jess Ewart, Abby Stern, Erica Simon, Nicole Lindstrom and many others to help us create so many of the magical experiences many of you have been a part of. I love that each of them has gone on to their own creative endeavors, all of which have some element of our DNA in them. Ripple in effect!

I am really excited to work alongside Anne as the Chair of our board and to step back from day to day operations. I birthed this organization, nurtured and cared for it in its formative years and am now ready to let her spread her wings and fly! I am so glad we found such an experienced and thoughtful pilot!

Welcome Anne! We are so grateful to have you and delighted by the opportunity to continue to serve our local and global community with events, workshops, trainings, retreats and who knows what else we will dream up. As always, our mission is what drives us and we think it’s more important now than ever, don’t you??

Will you please reach out to us by replying to this email and let us know what you love about Lead with Love, what you would like to see us continue to offer that we’ve done in the past + other ideas you might have about how we can serve and create positive impact. We are super jazzed about cultivating community and focusing on our values of heart-centered leadership, wellbeing, service, connection and joy!

Thanks for being part of the journey and for leading with love in all that you do.

Love, Gina (And Allegra and Bijoux)

PS. Click the links!


erica simon